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¿de qué color es el mar? / what colour is the sea?

¿de qué color es el mar? / what colour is the sea?

Silvia Dubovoy

A curious little fish flies through the ocean, and although he is curious to know lots of things, what most interests him is the colour of the sea.
Intrigued by the mystery, he asks the night, the moon, the stars that twinkle in the sky, the sun that sheds light on everything, the other fish, the old turtle, the enormous shark? but each of them says a different colour, depending on how they see it.
In his desire to know the answer, the little fish makes friends with a boy who is playing on the beach making sandcastles. And then, at last, the boy?s smile lets him see the ?true? colour of the sea.
This story is a snippet of what the sea represents and what it gives us. Of its immense variety of fish, of the different inhabitants its waters cross, of the glints of light and the whiteness of its water when it turns to foam? It is an invitation to love and care for the sea!

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